As we enter the final weeks of memorizing Set 1 verses, it's a good time to look ahead to the passages we'll be memorizing together in 2022. Set 2 includes exhortations to trust the Lord in suffering (1 Peter 5:6-11), take refuge in God (Psalm 91), put our faith in God (Hebrews 11:6), find salvation in Christ alone (Acts 4:11-12), and fight temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13). At year's end we will anticipate worshiping the One who sits on the throne and the Lamb (Revelation 5:12-13).
We often talk about how memorizing verses make meditation possible. One step further is studying the verses we're memorizing for deeper understanding and application of the truths to our lives. In order to help us do that, Truth78 has released The Fighter Verses Set 2 Study.
The study includes guided questions for individual, family, or group study. The Fighter Verses Journal provides simple encouragement to spend time with the Lord and record your reflections on your prayer and Bible study. By prompting you to ask, "What does God want me to think, be, and do?" the journal reminds you to ask God for insights, ideas, clarifications, and personal applications of each week’s passage.
These resources are designed to help you focus on God’s Word—the Word that has the power to shape how you think about God, yourself, and others. The memorized Word informs your thoughts about the world, your decisions, how you spend your time, and all of life.
Go deeper into the Word in 2022 by studying the verses you’re memorizing.
(Note: Due to a glitch with the printers, the journal will be available after December 20.)