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A Call to Worship Our Great Creator God (Psalm 100:1-3)

Writer's picture: Lori MyersLori Myers

Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth! ²Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! ³Know that the LORD, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. —Psalm 100:1-3

Psalm 100 is my favorite call to worship when I lead worship with children in Sunday School.  I think I’m partial to it because Psalm 100 was one of the first songs I learned in high school as a new believer. As the youth gathered, joyfully singing this passage of Scripture, I felt ushered into the Lord’s presence. I became aware of the Lord as my God and my Shepherd (John 10). I realized my place as one of His sheep, His child, under His guidance and care.

This psalm is a call for the whole world to worship and serve God because of who He is—our great Creator God. He deserves all worship for He alone is God. He calls us to joyful and glad-hearted service. This command is not burdensome, but rather is meant to fulfill us because He created us to worship Him and bring Him glory (Isaiah 43:7).

He welcomes us into His presence, a theme throughout in the Bible, from the Garden of Eden to the tabernacle in the desert (Exodus 13:21-22), from the Temple in Jerusalem (1 Kings 8:10-11) to the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven (Revelation 22:1-3). God’s presence is an amazing gift to His people.

Ultimately, Jesus is our Immanuel—God with us—as foretold in Isaiah 7:14, and fulfilled in Matthew 1:23. Those who believe in Jesus, who are in Christ, have His promised presence forever (Matthew 28:18-20; Hebrews 13:5). What joy and peace! What blessing!

We believers in Jesus—the great Savior and LORD, our Creator and Sustainer, our Shepherd and our Guide—have every reason to joyfully praise the Lord. We are His! What a precious truth. We are His people! What comfort and help come from this reality. We were designed to worship Him. And He tells us how: exuberantly, joyfully, obediently, willingly. We are to do this in the knowledge of who He is and who we are in relation to Him.

May we pray, Lord, help us fulfill Your design for us in worship. Grant us eyes to see Your awesome beauty and amazing works. Help us respond to Your presence in our lives with joyful praise and not neglect our glad duty to honor You as we ought. Be glorified in us today. Amen.


For Reflection

  1. Think about how you enter into corporate worship with God’s people. Is it the same old thing, a routine to endure, an expectation to check off? Or do you excitedly anticipate worshiping our great God with others who know, trust, and love Him?

  2. Think about how you daily enter His presence in prayer. Do you bring a list of requests to present your desires, rattling off the same old phrases out of habit? Or do you meditation on God's attributes and His great deeds, praising Him for who He is and what He’s done? Do you open His Word and respond to what it reveals of Him and His mighty works?

  3. Memorize Psalm 100 and use it in the coming weeks to point your heart to glad worship of our wonderful Creator God.


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