Sing praises to the LORD, O you his saints, and give thanks to his holy name. ⁵For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning. —Psalm 30:4-5
Our Fighter Verse passage this week begins with a command for the Lord’s people to sing praises to Him and give thanks to His holy name. Burst forth with praise and thanksgiving because God is not like us—He is holy! His anger is not like ours. Our anger rises from our sinful nature and can hold a grudge for an entire lifetime. The Lord’s anger is perfectly righteous and justified, yet He holds it for only a moment. His favor is on us for a lifetime. Sin causes a loss of intimacy with the Lord (Psalm 30:7) but if we are His, the Spirit works in us a hatred for our sin and a deep longing in the darkness. Our hearts cry out for Him through the night of suffering. And He comes to us with healing in His wings. The sun rises, darkness flees, and once again we are filled with His joy.
How can we be sure of this promise of joy when the night seems so long? Jesus Christ is our confidence, who has gone before us to secure the promise. Knowing Him anchors us to this glorious reality. Jesus has suffered our night and borne the holy anger we deserve. He has gone into the darkness and wept our tears as our sympathetic High Priest. He saw the morning joy set before Him as He endured the cross and died our death. He rose from the dead to give every believer eternal life and everlasting joy! This good news just can’t help but overflow in worship to our God.
You, O Lord, have turned our mourning into dancing, loosed the bonds of our despair and given us gladness. We, your people, sing your praises. We will not be silent!
And the ransomed of the LORD shall return and come to Zion with singing; everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. (Isaiah 51:11)
Jesus said, “So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you." (John 16:22)
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you will abound in hope. (Romans 15:13)
You, O LORD, have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings I will sing for joy. (Psalm 63:7)
For Reflection
How would you respond if you were asked, “What is your highest joy?”
Practice preaching Psalm 30:5 to yourself when your soul is being tempted to sin. The Bible is the sword of the Spirit, our weapon against the devices of Satan.
Think of one person you know is suffering. First, pray for them, then send them a note of comfort telling them you are praying for them.

Betty Dodge is wife to Rick, a mom to adult children, and grandmother to seven. She is a Bible teacher for women and children, as well as a regular contributor to the Fighter Verses Blog. One of Betty's greatest joys is seeing God working in believers as they learn His Word and grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.