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Faith to Be Fearless (Psalm 91:5-6)

Writer's picture: Lori Myers and Candice WattersLori Myers and Candice Watters

You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, ⁶nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday. —Psalm 91:5-6

Pandemics. Wars. Poverty. Racial strife. Political unrest. Violence. Human trafficking. Relational failings. Financial insecurities. There’s a lot to be afraid of in this world. It’s no wonder the Bible has more than 300 commands to not fear.

Psalm 91 helps us voice and battle our fears. It grounds us in who God is—our refuge and fortress—and calls us to trust in His provision of shelter, protection, and deliverance.

Our verses this week are a declaration for those who are sheltering in God, that we will not fear the unknown that surrounds us in the dark nights, nor the attacks that daily come our way. The global pandemic has left many feeling like we’re being stalked by a virus, and our demise is right around the corner. Psalm 91 speaks a better word. Fear does not need to master us. We can overcome fear by leaning on our great God and His faithful promises.

Fear is no small thing. When we don’t trust God with our circumstances, insecurities, and unknowns—remaining in fear, rather than abiding in God—our fear is sin. God truly cares for us. He can and will provide for and protect us.

How can we stop fearing and instead trust in God? By immersing ourselves in Bible passages like Psalm 91. This is how we come to know who our God is. And the more we know Him, the more we want to steady our gaze on Him. If we focus on our fears, we’ll never conquer them. If, however, we focus on God—His promises and call on our lives–then we will see fear diminish as we experience His power to do what He commands us.

Before ascending to heaven, Jesus promised, “I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). This is why we can take courage and obey His command to “Fear not” (Luke 12:7, 32). No matter what calamities you face, if you are in Christ, you are not alone. His presence is what calms your fears.

His presence also emboldens His followers to be on mission. Consider the motivation of a group of martyrs spotlighted by Voice of the Martyrs: “Each martyred…believer looked past their own fears for their lives and saw only the fields white for harvest as Jesus described those ready to accept Christ” (Pray Today app). May God grant us that kind of focus—a vision and passion for Christ that changes our perspective.

It’s no accident that Jesus promised His presence as He was commanding His followers to make disciples of all nations. The world is a different place when believers have the right focus, trusting in God and living for Him, fearlessly.


For Reflection

  1. Write down the attributes and promises of God that you find in Psalm 91.

  2. Start a list of verses to battle fear, not just for yourself, but for sharing with others. Some favorites include Isaiah 26:3-4, Psalm 46:1, Psalm 34:4, Psalm 23:4, and John 14:27.

  3. If you're struggling with fear, pray these verses and ask a trusted friend or family member to pray them for you and with you.


Lori Myers is a customer care specialist at Truth78 and loves serving in her local church. She has been using the Fighter Verses memory program since 2004, growing deeper in God's Word through daily practice. She is blessed to have two amazing daughters, two wonderful sons-in-law, and five adorable grandchildren.

Candice Watters is the Fighter Verses editor and author of Get Married: What Women Can Do to Help it Happen, and co-author with her husband Steve of Start Your Family: Inspiration for Having Babies.


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